Letter Regarding Time Scale Promotion Bps-19 to Bps-20
Directorate of Public Instruction (SE) Punjab Lahore has issued letter on 03-09-2019 in connection with Advice Regarding Time Scale Promotion BPS-19 to BPS-20. Detail is as under: The following Officers of School Education Department have applied through Chief Executive Officers (DEA) concerned for award of Time Scale Promotion (one step up in next scale) on the Completion of 10-years service in the existing basic pay scale in the light of Government of the Punjab, Finance Department vide Notification No.FD.PC.40-12/2017 dated 19.04.2019, dated
10.07.2019 and further clarified vide letter No. FD.PC.40-12/2017 dated 26.07.2019:
Permission is hereby granted with the approval of Director Public Instruction (SE), Punjab, Lahore and the recommendation of Security Committee in favour of the above said Officers for revision of their pay slips on account of Time Scale Promotion, The applicants are directed to approach the Accountant General Punjab/District Accounts Offices concerned in next basic pay scales w.e.f. from the date mentioned.